Interest Groups

Our Interest Groups

These groups provide you with an additional social environment where you can explore and learn more on a definitive topic or share a common interest. Groups are collaborative, coordinated by a fellow U3A member (Convenor) and determine their own activities and agendas. Groups meet at times and venues determined solely by the group.

Four groups have been established so far – Current Affairs, Epicureans, Film and Theatre, and Walking. More are planned based on feedback from our members – information on these will added as they become active. 

It’s easy to join any of these groups – just email the Convenor of the group and they will ensure you receive all communications relating to the group’s activities. 

Current Affairs:

This group can cover a wide range of topics, both local and international, basically anything and everything making the news or of interest. Discussions can be briefly topical or ongoing, world-changing or some light relief, but not boring!
If you would rather listen than talk, that’s okay as well.  members introduce topics, largely from the media and we have lively discussions. The group meets in private homes or at cafes that allow for ‘undisturbed’ discussion, and discussion topics are chosen by the members. 

Discussions are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm.

Interested? Contact the group’s convenor Frank Tay, whose email is


If you enjoy dining out this group is a great way to taste diverse types of food, perhaps different from our usual NZ fare. Christchurch is blessed with a wonderful array of diverse cuisines making it a rich food city. The group may meet for lunch or dinner. A wide variety of cafes, restaurants and vineyards will be visited, providing plenty of opportunity to discover different cuisines and wines. Cuisine and venue selection is made by group members on a rotating basis, and partners are welcome to participate. 

Dining is scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of each month, for lunch (or dinner), from February to November.

Interested? Contact the group’s convenor Kay Maginness, whose email is

Film and Theatre:

Films and theatre inform, educate, and entertain across many genres. This group provides the opportunity to see a variety of different shows and meet socially for coffee or wine before each show. Group members email show recommendations to the convenor, who makes the final decision and communicates details. Movies are selected from those being screened at the Academy Gold, Lumiere or Hoyts cinemas. Those attending each show pay ticket costs in advance to the Convenor who will book seats and pay for them.

The group aims to attend movies or live theatre in the afternoon or evening of the last Thursday of each month, but actual times and days depend upon show availability. 

Interested? Contact the group’s convenor Diane Campbell, whose email is .


Interested in some social exercise? This group finds interesting locations for each walk. They walk, stroll or ramble for approximately one hour and, at the end of the walk, socialize over coffee or tea at a local café to refresh the mind and soul. Walking routes and cafes are determined by individual group members, with final details communicated by the convenor.        

The group walks weekly on Tuesdays, departing at 10 am. If weather requires cancellation, the convenor will email by 8:30 am on the day.

Interested? Contact the group’s convenor Anne Harding, whose email is