The University of the Third Age

U3A Okeover

Programme for Term 4, 2020

A November Series

Dates: Thursdays 29 October, 5, 12, 19 November

Times: 10.30 - 11.30

Enrolments for this term closed on Thursday 12 Nov 2020.


Chairman:Howard Harvey021 1363043
Treasurer:Colin Freeman027 2369476
Please hand your enrolment form to the treasurer at the desk if he is available.

Course A

November Series

Course organiser:Various


29 Oct:
Prof. Lance Jennings. Clinical Virologist (retired), CDHB and OU on 'Emerging Viral Diseases.'Emerging diseases present an ongoing threat. This talk will cover the emergence of viral diseases: covid-19, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Zika and novel influenza (bird flu) viruses, the natural ecology of these viruses and how they cross the species barrier into humans, the concept of "One Health" and the role of the WHO in coordinating their global control. Organiser: Chris Botur

5 Nov:
Dr. Tony Walls, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Paediatrics, UO, Christchurch on 'The Global Health Impact of Vaccination.'Immunisation is a high-impact public health intervention that has changed the lives of billions of people around the world. This talk will focus on some remarkable success stories globally and the work that has gone into making it all happen. Examples will include attempts to eliminate polio and meningococcal disease across the ‘meningitis belt’ in Africa. There will also be examples of how the NZ immunisation programme has had a major impact in preventing life-threatening diseases in children here at home. Organiser: Chris Botur

12 Nov:
Frieda Looser on 'Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and 'Black Lives Matter'.'What is slavery, when did humans adopt this practice, and what are the global consequences in the 21st century? This lecture will explore the concept of slavery, with examples drawn from many times and places. However, particular focus will be on the forcible movement of some 12.5 million people from West Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the plantations of the Caribbean and America between the 16th and 19th centuries. The beliefs and mindset that supported this practice will be unpacked, compared with discriminatory laws and behaviour of the post-slavery century, and contrasted with the line now drawn in the sand by young people around the globe who take to the streets and take a knee to affirm human solidarity and fraternity in the BLM movement. Organiser: Yvonne Evans

19 Nov:
Peter Field on 'America - Where To From Here?'Peter will discuss the ramifications of the result of the upcoming election in America on Nov 3rd between Trump and Biden. Organiser: Trevor Sennitt