Course organiser:Neil Fleming
Presenter:Brian Pauling
13 Nov:
Brian Pauling on 'Television is dead. 'Are we at the end of the 'television age'? The rapid development of digital technologies provides increasingly complex media experiences - transmedia storytelling, virtual and augmented reality, simulation - which are all competing for the attention of the younger mind. It is difficult to fathom the social, cultural, political, economic and personal implications of what is now generally recognised as a revolution. Somehow there is the feeling that 'we ain't seen nothing yet'! This session will raise serious questions about how new media functions and the increasingly complex relationships that, particularly young, people have with their communication tools (toys?).
Brian Pauling is the Principal Academic Staff Member for the New Zealand Broadcasting School at CPIT.
NOTE: Following the 13 November presentations we adjourn to the Hornby Working Men's Club for a celebratory dinner.