
Art Galleries and New Artists

Our Pacific Neighbours: Beyond the Beaches and the Palms

This series deals with the development of the Nations of the Pacific Islands, and some aspects of their current governance, economies and health care. The efforts being made to combat the devastation caused by natural disasters will be reviewed, and the challenges faced by students from the Pacific entering the educational system here will be discussed.

Issues of Interest

Ageing Gracefully

As we grow older life becomes more fragile and our health can decline rapidly. This course is designed to help us avoid some of the pitfalls so that we might age gracefully.

Members’ Miscellany

Helping Agencies

Gardening the Garden City

Jeremy Hawker has extended his role from the Botanic Gardens. He is now operations manager for all the City Council gardens and heritage parks.

How Hillary and Donald are the Offspring of Barack Obama

University of Canterbury associate professor and historian, Peter Field was a classmate of US President Barack Obama, at Columbia University in the 1980s. He will enlighten us about the US presidential elections that occur a week later.

Solar Power in Tonga and the Pacific

Pat is Emeritus Profesor University of Canterbury and has expertise in renewable energy Systems (wind and solar energy systems) for remote locations.

The Future of the Media

Martin van Beynen is very well known to all readers of our Christchurch newspaper ‘The Press’, where he is a senior journalist and leading columnist. He is noted for his frank opinions and does so weekly in his columns. We can expect a stimulating presentation.