Course organiser:Eleanor Stewart and Ann Thornton
This course provides the opportunity for a detailed consideration of the geology and history of Banks Peninsula and its peoples and their resilience, and contemporary conservation measures for preserving its natural resources.
5 Jul:
Dr Samuel Hampton, The Geology of Banks Peninsula. Dr Hampton is an assistant lecturer in Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury.
12 Jul:
Gordon Ogilvie, ONZM, The Trailblazers. Gordon is the author of the book, "Banks Peninsula, Cradle of Canterbury," which has become a Canterbury classic.
19 Jul:
Dr Peter Tremewan, The French Connection. Dr Tremewan is a retired University of Canterbury lecturer in French and author of
the book, "French Akaroa."
26 Jul:
Margaret Jefferies, Pre and post earthquake Lyttelton. Margaret is the Chair of Project Lyttelton and a frequent reporter/commentator in local newspapers.
2 Aug:
Richard Menzies, Banks Peninsula Today. Rick is a fourth generation farmer of a property in Menzies Bay and Chairperson of the
Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust. Rick will tell us a little about the amazing biodiversity of the Peninsula, the work of the Conservation Trust, and some interesting background facts relating to the history of the Menzies family and farm.